14. 8. 2012

Zara's new face

The new face of Zara, which we, as a blogger you love is Freja Beha Erichsen. That you this name is unknown? Well, even my name, but her face already so, and you can too. It's supermodel coming from Denmark, showing off a collection of ready to wear haute couture and famous brands in Milan, Paris, London and even New York. This time the face of Zara's fall campaign, which more or less dictate trends. At the end of the article you will find a video of the shooting.

6. 8. 2012

My Lady :)

Full name Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanottová. 
Lady Gaga is another favorite of mine in terms of music. Her songs are uncommon. Each song shows something of myself. Many think that it is Satan or something to that effect. I do not think so. At the beginning of her career, as it began with the song Poker Face, which after a few years is my favorite, was very beautiful. Make up a lot of make-up, beautiful straight blond hair (wig).
It was for me the most beautiful in the world. I really liked at the time. Sung, passed a lot of songs. Over time, you probably also realize that alone make up and everything until its beauty is not only conducive to meaningful. Ceased to beautify. She showed herself. Although not the most beautiful star in this country is not beautiful enough, but this gesture is more beautiful to me. Natural beauty is beautiful. The world has millions of fans. And I'm one of them. Not everyone likes it, has his own style, and it took me to her very much. She showed the world something that no one has failed. She showed the true face.

My favorite Ed :)

Today I discovered a new musical talent. His songs are divine.
Also divine. His music is very enthused to listen to his songs and all I can say with certainty that at any other I've had more and more expectations on yourself. Each has something special.
I was especially charmed by the song Small Bump.
In his songs is lightness, feeling there is, man can not even translate text in mind, what is the song he sings, it already knows in advance.

Edward Christopher "Ed" Sheeran (born 17 February 1991) is an English singer, songwriter, and producer. Born in Halifax, before moving to Framlingham. He learned to play guitar and started writing songs at a young age. He began recording in 2005 and moved to London in 2008 to pursue a music career. In 2009, inspired by James Morrison, he played 312 gigs. In early 2011, he released his eighth independent extended play, No. 5 Collaborations Project; with it, Sheeran gained mainstream attention. Three months later, Sheeran was signed to Asylum / Atlantic Records.

Sheeran broke through commercially in June 2011, when his first single "The A Team" debuted at number three on the UK Singles Chart Buoyed by the chart success of the singles "The A Team" and "Lego House", his inaugural album + has been certified quadruple platinum in the United Kingdom. In 2012, he won two BRIT Awards for Best British Male Solo Artist, and British Breakthrough of the Year, while "The A Team" also won the Ivor Novello Award for Best Song Musically and Lyrically.

3. 8. 2012

Čo znamená milovať?

Čo vlastne znamená slovo milovať?
Človek sa nad touto otázkou musí trošku zamyslieť.

Každý človek,bude odpovedať na túto otázku inak.Ja by som odpovedala,milovať znamená ceniť si niekoho.Dôverovať mu v každej situácii,na prvom mieste vo svojom živote a srdci mať tú dotyčnú osobu,ceniť si ho,tešiť sa na niekoho,viacej ako na čokoľvek iné.

Predovšetkým,milovať znamená odpúšťať.
Ak niekoho milujem,tak ho milujem celým svojím srdiečkom,celým ja.Na prvom mieste je stále on.On je najdoležitejší.
Milovať znamená robiť niekoho šťastným.
Láska nemá presnú definíciu, i keď sa ju pokúšali vysloviť už viacerí múdri ľudia.
Čo je to, čo spája muža i ženu, i keď sa predtým nepoznali, i keď prišli z rozdielnych krajín a sú
rozličných rás? Často sú to bytosti, ktoré nezodpovedajú doterajším predstavám ideálnej ženy a
muža. Čo je to za silu, ktorá nedovolí rešpektovať múdru radu rodiča i priateľov, zanedbá tradície
a strháva celého človeka, jeho um i srdce do svojich osídel?
Láska je vzácny a najkrajší cit, ktorého je schopná ľudská bytosť. Ináč to bolo v buržoáznej, meštianskej spoločnosti,
v ktorej žena hrala trpnú úlohu a len prijímala, kým muž, v rodine suverén, rozdával aj v
láske len toľko, koľko sa mu zachcelo.
Láska dodáva odvahu, optimizmus, zbavuje človeka pocitu samoty, uľahčuje umeleckú tvorbu,
vykonávanie tej najťažšej práce, robí život pekným a keď nastanú roztržky, prekážky, keď pominie
ilúzia, láska vie dodať silu, rozvahu a trpezlivosť prekonať každú prekážku.
Priateľstvo v láske je zhovievavé, vie pochopiť, ospravedlniť chyby i malé nedostatky, vie byť

Shirtinator :) Odporúčam

Super stránka.Odporúčam.
Ak neviete čo kúpiť svojmu miláčikovi,teraz na to už prídete :)
Všetky vzťahy zažívajú peklo.
Ale len tie skutočné ním aj prejdu.

Lúčenie. To prázdno v srdci, keď musíš niekomu povedať "zbohom". Keď musíš od niekoho odísť, od niekoho, od ktorého si nikdy v živote odísť nechcel. Keď máš už len posledných pár sekúnd na to, aby si ho videl tam stáť. Keď vieš, že ti bude veľmi chýbať a ty jemu tiež. Keď...sa to proste stane.

Človek potom ostane sám.Sám na všetko.
Sám na problémy,na radosti,na smútok a žiaľ.
To odlúčenia a diaľka bolí srdiečko.
Cítime sa tak opustene a prázdno.


Keď ste s niekým hodinu a znamená to pre vás celý svet, keď je v noci väčšia tma, koláče sú sladšie, kvety viac červené a ľudia nejak krajší, keď nemusíte riešiť zbytočnosti, ale konečne vážne veci, keď nájdete malú myšku, vydru v potoku a zajace behajú pod oknami, keď nepotrebujete internet a konečne máte kedy čítať, keď nenájdete blší trh a za snahu si kúpite palacinku, keď sedíte pod stromom, prečkávate búrku a rozprší sa tak, že prší aj cez listy, keď vám nevadí, že nemáte kedy spať a polievka od maminy je v nedohľadne, keď dostanete lístky na dostihy, Ritterka stoji 59 centov a rúž Manhattan 2,19, keď máte plán, keď ležíte v parku a je vám proste fájn.

2. 8. 2012

I love High Tatras :)


 Tatras are the geomorphological unit Fatra-Tatra region and form the highest part of the Carpathians. They are located in the northern part of Slovakia's border with Poland, and 3/4 the area lies in Slovakia. The alpine character highlights the 29 peaks above 2,500 m high. m [1]. and valley after their constituency.

Relief is the work of Tatra streams and mountain glaciers, which divided the mountain for several standing peaks and ridges forked. The area belongs to the Tatra mountains flowing into the Black Sea (river Vah and Orava) and Baltic (Dunajec and Poprad).

The main Tatras ridge has a length of 80 km and stretches from Hutianskeho saddle (905 m) in the west to the east Ždiarska saddle (1081 m). It is the westernmost peak of Grey Hill (1805 m), Lamb easternmost peak (2229 m), from which it is seen to Poland, and the panorama of the Three Crowns in Pieniny. The main Tatra ridge runs out crotch.
